On January 21, the Town of Mooresville Board of Commissioners will be voting on the proposed Witherspoon Woods development. The meeting will be held in the Mooresville Town Hall located at 413 North Main Street and starts at 6 pm. One of the key items they will be voting on is whether to approve the installation of a locked, emergency access only gate at the section of Shagbark Lane that connects to the proposed development. We all need to take action now to make the Commissioners aware that the permanent installation of this locked gate is a priority for our community. There are multiple ways we can do this. They include:

  • As many of us as possible need to attend the meeting in person. Multiple Town Commissioners have commented that our presence at previous meetings had an impact on how they voted. Please note that the Witherspoon Woods discussion is in three parts on the agenda. These parts are 8.e, 8.f and 8.g. We need to make sure we are present for all three parts.
  • We need to submit written comments expressing how important it is that the access to Shagbark be a permanent, paved and locked emergency access only. These same comments should also highlight that it is important for the safety of the residents in The Woodlands. It would also be beneficial to note we do not have sidewalks in our neighborhood and the introduction of additional vehicular traffic would result in decreased pedestrian safety in our neighborhood.

Please see the email that was sent on January 12 for additional details.  If you did not receive, please let us know using the Contact Us page and we will send you another copy.